...and i'm off to new zealand!
Five months ago my little sister got on a plane and went across the world.She's was off for an adventure of working on farms, exploring a new country and finding a whole new side of herself.The minute she left I already missed her. She's my best friend and partner in crime. As great as all the Skype chats have been since September, it's just not the same as a hug (and yes, we did hug our laptops while Skyping).Now the time is finally here...drumroll please........I get own my own flight to New Zealand tomorrow! Armed with my Twin Lens Rollei, oh and some clothes and stuff, I'm ready to hit the road.Here's a small taste of some of our adventures from last year. Come back soon for new pics from our big NZ trip!<3 KendallWaterbury, VTMontreal,
A classic family moment.
4th of July with the whole family in Connecticut.
An impromptu photo-shoot in an apple orchard.
Dropping her off at the airport!
'Stop taking my picture!!'